A fost demult undeva, intr-un loc uitat..Departe..Prea departe..Un loc izolat de toate..Inconjurat se atitea peisaje, care parca te atrageau intr-un fel de joc al comunicarilor, in care fiecare isi joaca trecuturile, si poate pierde, sau cistiga ceva din existentele celuilalt..Asa, plusind cu ce a fost, cu timpul atitor intimplari..
In locurile astea se aud uneori niste sunete ciudate, cind vintul vine dintr-o anumita directie, si cu anumita viteza..Ca un fel de muzica nearticulata, care suna a cintec englezesc vechi, sau balada pop, ori melancolii de la civilizatii nestiute..Greu de spus ce e acolo, pentru ca ritmurile se amesteca intre ele in atitea combinatii fara sens, de multe ori..Toate par cind simple uneori, cind excesiv elaborate, cind absurde, sau doar sincere.. Si asta la o simpla ascultare, la o aproximare imediata..Pentru ca toate sunetele alea au in ele ceva atit de profund, cit sa poti descoperi in ele miile de ani traite de toate generatiile, daca le asculti cu atentie..
Poate ca mai auzim in unele sunete glasurile altor lumi, reinviate..Habar n-am..Mintea noastra acopera oniric zgomotele lumii..Dar ce e ciudat, e ca, uneori, pare ca auzim un fragment de compozitie necompusa inca.. In care o voce feminina ne aduce inapoi vremurile fericite, si greu de amintit..O voce care vine de dincolo de tot ce a existat vreodata..Hmm..
Ma gindesc uneori daca noi sintem ce sintem, sau doar ce simtim ca ne vine de dincolo, din locurile in care timpul s-a oprit..
Timeless places
It was, long ago, in a forgotten place..Somewhere far..Too far maybe..An isolated place, surrounded by so many landscapes that pulled you in a kind of a game of being explanations, where each one plays own pasts, and where each can gain, or lose of others existences..Just like that, playing with what ever was in the time of so many happenings..
In those places strange sounds are, when the wind blows from a certain direction, with a certain speed.. Sounds like an unplayed music, singing an old english song, or a pop ballade, or even some melancholies coming from unknown civilizations..Hard to say what one can hear, because rythms mix themselves in compositions with no sense, apparently..But all those sounds contain something so profound,enough to discover the thousands of years lived by all those generations, if you listen carefully..
Maybe we still hear in some harmonies the voices of other worlds, ressurected..I'm not sure..Our mind covers the noises of the world..What's strange is that it seems that we hear a fragment of an unexisted yet, symphony..In which a feminine voice brings back all those happy times, and hard to remember.. A voice coming from spaces beyond all..
Sometimes I still think if we are what we are thinking, or just what we feel that comes from beyond..Or from places where time stood still..
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