Sintem identici cu noi, cei care am fost..Fiintele deschise si care privesc, spre tot, cu aceeasi curiozitate.. Oamenii din coordonatele spatiu-timp actuale, care monitorizeaza tot, privind, actionind, ca si cind ar sti ca exista aici, acum, firesc..Oamenii care gindesc, si traiesc, cu energiile proprii ale vietii..
Ce bine semanam intre noi..Noi cu toti..Cu toti de oriunde, si oricind..
De multe ori ma gindesc cum ar fi fost daca m-as fi nascut in Egiptul antic..Sau in imperiul roman..Cite imagini ma inconjoara, si cite variante..Ca si cum iluziile mi-ar fi construit destine paralele, pe alte coordonate..As fi putut fi un sclav, sau un plebeu, sau poate un aristocrat..Orice ar fi putut fi.. Si eu, o varianta posibila a timpului..
Viata e printre agonie, si extaz, parca in cautari, ale propriilor destine..Mergem orbecaind, printre toate variantele..Si ce dune avem de infruntat..Si ce mutanti ne apar, tot timpul..Ce morloci, cu ce abrutizari si diformitati, si care ataca inadaptat, si complet haotic..Si cum, dupa toate, ei, aia atit de neconformi, isi cauta, dupa infringeri, locuri printre amintiri..
Fiinta ne e ce sintem, dupa toate luptele pentru supravietuire..Ce am ramas..Cei care mai pot privi inainte, cu acelasi curaj cu care au pornit sa lupte, printre lumile celorlalti, ca niste inconstienti..Cei care isi mai amintesc de cei care au fost, mai demult..
Still beings
We are perfectly identical to ourselfs of the pasts..The beings with an open soul, looking towards all, with a same curiosity, as allways..We are the same people of the same space-time coordinates, that watches all, looking, acting, as we ar knowing that we are here, and now, naturally..Like people that think, live, using theyre own life energies..
How good we are alike, we all..We all of any time, or place..
Many times I think how would it be if I were born in ancient Egypt..Or in the Roman Empire..I feel covered by so many images, and impressions..As if my own imagination would build an parallel being, on other times..And if I think better, if ttime would have been different, I would have been, as well an slave..Or a patrician..Me, as I am..Somebody lost in between the planes of other time possibilities..
Life, you see, is lost in between agony, and extasy, in searches of our own destinies..It is like walking unknown, in between all the possibilities..The way is opened arround, and surrounded by so many dunes.. We are fighting many weirdos, that are trying to close all, so immediate..People accepted by the society, that are here, and surviving by a luck that is now..Only..Allthough..
What we are is what we understand about us, after all..After all those fights for surviving..We are what is left, after all..Those that can look forward, with the same courage that maked them to start the fight for surviving...We are what we think of us, the ones that can still look forward, with the same courage of the ones that started to fight alone, between the worlds of others, like as we allways were..Like beings that still remember of us, as if we were ourselfs, in those times when we were we..
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