Thursday, April 24, 2014

Frumuseti posibile

Uneori vedem lucruri ciudate..Chiar absurde..Si ne gindim daca ele fac asa o imagine separata in lumea asta a noastra, care cauta sensuri..Sau sint un inceput timid, al cu totul altor lumi care ne asteapta, in umbra.. Tot ce se poate..Ca si cind lumile alea ar trimite in lumea asta, incercari..Noua..Ca sa ne deschida mintile spre ele, si sa ne facem sa ne intrebam atitea..Si sa cautam adevarurile, care in afara, care inauntru..Desi, poate ca ce e afara e o proiectie a ce e, mai inainte, inauntru..
Sintem ce sintem pentru ca asa sintem construiti, si nu am facut eforturi sa ne schimbam..Desi, daca ne gindim bine, cam ce ar trebui sa fim? Ce ne-am propus, ce ne-am imaginat, sau ce si-au imaginat altii? Si cum vom putea face asta? Ne trebuie un sa ne fie prieten bun, si sa ne invete tot.. Ca sa mergem pe un drum pe care unii spun ca il meritam..E frumos..Daca ar fi si adevarat, sau macar posibil, ar fi si mai frumos..
Possible beauties
Sometimes we see weird things, as if they're real..Things absurd somehow..That makes us think if an image so different is appropriate in our world of senses..Or if it's just an beginning of other worlds waiting somehow, shying in shadows..Whatever..Just like when all those worlds were sending to us signals..To us.. To try, in a way, to open our minds towards them, to what is outside, and to ask us about..To try to find all truths either outside of us, or inside..Although somehow what is outside is, beyond all, a projection of the insides..
We are what we are because we are built this way..And because we didn't make any try to change..But, if we try to understand, which way should we be? How? In the way we anticipated ourselfs, or in a way others thought? And how to do this? Because it seems we need some help coming from a friend, that can teach us all.. To follow a path that some said is the right one..It's nice..Even beautiful..And if this is the right one, or the possible one, that would be more amazing..As it is..

1 comment:

  1. Uneori vedem ca si unele iubiri sint ciudate..Si le traim fara sa intelegem, ci doar acceptindu-le asa..Si pe ele, si pe noi..
