Plenty of eyes watching you..People observing your movements as they are comparable with what they know..Although you, in your inner self, knew that the distance between you and the others is, and always was, huge enough..And that with all you've done already created and increased that..Lot to say, my friend.. Because my, in all, I've done in all created a real part of my applicable fantasies..What about you?
I sure know somehow how the things worked for me..But I'm really asking myself how others realised their way. I'm still standing, here and on my own..And, still observing others as they go..
E o zicere inteleapta: Cine poate sa faca, face, cine nu, invata pe altii, si cine nu, conduce..Adica, aia care ne conduc sint cei mai cretini..Na..Si asta e tragic, ca aia care iau deciziile importante sint cei mai prosti, din toti..Futu-i in ea de viata timpita..
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