Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Margini de.. The Edges of..

Poate ca drumul de acum nu va duce nicaieri..Nu poti calatori in viitor, ca sa verifici..Poti calatori doar pe drumul de acum..Si sa vezi singur unde poate duce..Oricum..In atita absurd imprejur..Ce rost pare sa mai aiba sa stii, sau sa vrei sa stii unde va duce drumul..Singura atitudine, cea fireasca, sa-i zicem, e sa mergi inertzial inainte..Sau te poti opri, sa te intrebi lucruri fundamentale despre tine, despre drum, despre timp.. E cumva egal..Socialul vede oricum superficialul pe care il poate intelege..Intrebarile puse de tine sint o evolutie a ta, proprie..Raspunsurile corecte sint o continuare a evolutiei..Dar, cu cit stii mai multe, cu atit iti asumi mai multe..Mai multa insingurare, mai multa tristetze, dar si mai multe revelatzii..Te complici, si asta iti aduce citeva avantaje, si o infinitate de nestiuturi..Dar devii altceva..Ce nimeni, in afara de tine, nu poate intelege..
Sintem schimbatori..Fiecare pas ne arata asta..Fiecare reusita, sau esec..Mergem..Inertzial..
De ce ne asteptam, de multe ori, sa ninga vara? Desi stim ca nu se va intimpla niciodata..Stim, desi n-am vrea..Macar asta..Am vrea sa stim altele, mai paradoxale, dar mai inalte..Care vin de undeva de mai departe..Am vrea sa stim secretele impenetrabile..Care sa ne apere de ploile tirzii..Si de tristetzile unor anotimpuri instantanee..
Mergem inainte..Parasim pasi, ca sa cautam altii..Cautam sa vedem cit de departe putem ajunge..Si ce e dincolo de ce am banuit ca ar putea fi..Lasam in urma doar privirile confuze..Mergem..Se aud armonii, sau doar rezonam, in liniste?..Parca ne cinta toate trecuturile, impreuna..Ceva despre iubire..Sau?

Maybe today's road won't go anywhere..I can't trip to the future, to check it..I can ride only this road, now.. And see where it can go..Anyway, anyhow..With so much absurd surrounding..What would be the reason to know, or want to know where the road will ever go? Maybe your only reasonable attitude would be to go inertially forward..Or, maybe you could stop, and ask yourself unanswered questions...About you, about the road, about time..It's the same..The Social will see in you whatever signals it can understand, from you..Your questions are a sign of your own evolution..And the following answers, too..But, the more you know, the more you assume to come..You'll get with all more loneliness, sadeness, but also, more revelations..You'll become, in time, more complicated..And this will bring you a couple advantages and many unknowns..
But you'll become something else..Something that only you could ever understand..
We are changing..Each of our steps shows that..Every success, every fail shows that..But we still continue..Inertially..
Why, sometimes, we expect a snow, in the summer? Although we know, it will never happen..We know, without wanting that..Maybe we would like to know something else..Something with more paradox in it, but more elevated..Something that comes from farther..We would like to know, maybe something impenetrable.. That will, maybe protect us from late rainfalls..And from the sudden seasons..
We continue our trip..We leave some steps, to search for others..We explore, to see how far we can get.. And what is beyond of what we thought would be..We leave behind some confusing looks, only..On..Some harmonies can be heard..It is real, or it just camed from our friendly silences? It seems that our pasts are singing in choir..Something about pasts loves..Or?..

1 comment:

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